

If you would like to purchase a membership, you can purchase yours by:

1. Contacting 

2. E-transfer $35 to - no password required

3. Via credit card on the communibee app! 

4. Visiting the Edmonton Federation of Community Leagues website.  You can purchase your membership online and print your own membership card within minutes! This has an extra service fee ($5) associated with it.

Communibee instructions:

Cameron Heights Community League is pleased to announce the launch of CommuniBee as a communication tool for our neighbourhood.  CommuniBee is a mobile platform that promotes awareness and engagement for all residents.

To download the app, please select the appropriate link or button for Apple for Android, or use it in a browser.

Direct Link:

To register directly to the Cameron Heights community when you join, enter your e-mail, choose a password, enter your name, and type “CAMERONHEIGHTS” as the community code.

Benefits of Membership

You are required to have a Community League Membership

1. To register your children in soccer, basketball and some other sports

2. To vote at the (AGM) Annual General Meeting

3. To participate in developing your community.

Please remember that all Cameron Heights Community League memberships expire annually on August 31.  Memberships are for your household at this time.

Be(e) In the Know! App for Cameron Heights

Cameron Heights Community League is pleased to announce the launch of CommuniBee as a communication tool for our neighbourhood.  CommuniBee is a mobile platform that promotes awareness and engagement for all residents. 

To download the app, please select the appropriate link or button for Apple for Android, or use it in a browser.

Direct Link:

To register directly to the Cameron Heights community when you join, enter your e-mail, choose a password, enter your name, and type “CAMERONHEIGHTS” as the community code.

Using the “calendar” feature, you will always be aware of upcoming events in the community (fun days, programming, fundraisers).  You can easily RSVP through the app, and pay any fees directly on the app using your credit card. Even get your next League membership – right on the app! (no extra fees!) There's also a section on our community amenities, local businesses and programs, and a directory connecting you to all key contacts. We are also working on getting our BBQ rental bookings connected here as well. Under 'Documents' you will have access to all key documents, such as barbeque booking guidelines, block party grant forms, etc.

 We are very excited to start using this app as a means of getting more residents in the community aware of and participating in events, and generally resulting in a more vibrant community. 

Please send feedback and any other ideas you might have for the app to Thu (treasurer) or Chrissy (president).  This app is being actively supported and continuously improved by ARC Business Solutions, so if you have any feedback, let us know so we can pass it on!