Neighbourhood Watch
WAlk your block
It has been shown that as community activity increases, crime decreases and neighbours that are more aware of their neighbourhood are better equipped to recognize and respond when something is not “right”. Through the Edmonton Neighbourhood Watch Walk Your Block program, residents are encouraged to simply take a walk on a regular basis around your community. Take the time to meet and greet your neighbours, become familiar with the homes and vehicles that belong in your area—and if you notice anything or anyone who seems out of place, report it.
We are looking for volunteers for the Walk the Block Program. All you have to do is register at Once you are registered all you must do is log your walks. This year there are some nice prizes from ENW for those that log the most walks! More information about this initiative can be found at this link:
Door sticker program
The ENW Door Sticker Program (See details here: provides participating members with a bright orange door sticker that can be displayed at their front door to show that they are active in preventing crime and reporting all suspicious activities: putting would be criminals on notice.
There is no cost to participate in the program and to get your sticker all you must do is agree to follow some basic practices that make you and the community safer. We will deliver the sticker to you once complete all fields below (see a picture of door sticker at end of the form).
eps bike index
Every week EPS collects 25-30 stolen bikes and only 24% can be returned to their owners because there is no way to contact them. To change this they have partnered with Bike Index in an attempt to deter theft and help quickly matching you to your seized bicycle.
You will find more information here:
Go to and register your bike. All it takes is two minutes and it is free forever!
crime mapping
Visit the Neighbourhood Crime Map website which provides valuable information about crime activity in our neighborhood. Based on the chatter on the CHCL Facebook page I know many of us in Cameron Heights feel that our community is particularly hard hit by crime and that the number of incidents is on the rise. No amount of crime is acceptable, and we are definitely not crime-free, but a quick review of current and historical crime stats for our community and some neighbouring communities shows that we are a relatively safe neighbourhood.
Now this may be because not all of the incidents are being reported so please remember to report all crimes – no matter how small or insignificant you think they are. Edmonton Police Services can only address issues and increase patrols if they know about the issues.
crime reporting
How to Report a Crime?
Did you know you can report certain crimes online. Visit to report:
Break & Enter of garage/shed/fenced property
Damage to Property or Vehicle
Lost Property
Theft under $5,000
Call 9-1-1 for an emergency or a crime in progress.
For any non-emergencies, please dial #377 from a mobile device or 780-423-4567 from a landline (or mobile device).